The secret is out around Bay Minette...most people know what great pottery we have at Best Friends Gallery...but, just in case you haven't heard, take a look at some of the pictures here. We feature the work of three of our areas finest potters, each with a unique and different style and approach to their work.
The blue bowl featured here is by Rosinton resident, Jennifer Roberson. Jennifer digs the clay from the local area around her home, sometimes right in her own back yard! She hand forms the pieces, then to add an extra little something, she enscribes little quotes on the back, which makes her pieces real conversation starters.
Jennifer apprenticed under Rhett Buckner, a local potter whose pieces are sought after by locals as well as the snowbirds that we welcome to our coast every year. If you like what you see here, come in and support Jennifer by purchasing a piece of her beautiful pottery. Prices range from $6.50 to $99.00.
Featured here is the work of Jerry Bradley of Bay Minette, who works under the name, Red Dog Pottery. Jerry considers his work "functional" pottery, and anyone who has ever purchased a piece of Jerry's work will tell you that it works hard for you. Using a pottery wheel, he makes many different pieces, each with a useful purpose...soap dishes, pie plates, coffee mugs, large bowls, small bowls, vases, lamps, teapots, lanterns, chicken roasters, and many others. He creates many pieces using the same glazes so that it makes collecting fun if you wish for your pieces to match. The vase above is glazed in a wonderful "sand" like color that goes in any decor. The lantern in the top photo is glazed in his signature brown and blue glaze. Jerry's pottery prices range from $5.00 to a complete sixteen piece set of dinnerware for $225.00.
Jerry also works in a style known as "raku". The piece above is a wonderful example.
We are also honored to have the work of Brenda G. Anderson of Spanish Fort, Alabama. Brenda's work is very "artsy". She is always experimenting with techniques and glazes, and we never know what surprises she will bring in for us to exhibit. Pictured at top is a "lady vase", which is a signature piece that is part of a series that Brenda recently completed. Next is a beautiful bowl, with a puddle of blue glass in the bottom. The third picture shows a simple little gravy boat, glazed in a wonderful neutral color that would look right at home in any kitchen. Brenda's pieces that we currently have range in price from $12.00 to $65.00.